Starting a business is hard enough without life responsibilities getting in the way. Whether due to a demanding day job or a full-time career as a mother, women often have trouble finding the time to get a business off the ground. This is unfortunate since women have numerous great reasons to start a business, including greater flexibility and freedom. If you’re on the path to entrepreneurship, the following tips can help you grow your business while juggling your multiple life responsibilities.
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Microsoft’s Shift Away from Office 365 Simplifies Solutions for Customers
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Continue readingBattling Sexism in the Workplace
Sexism in the workplace isn’t always blatantly obvious. Sometimes it’s as simple as the woman in the office constantly being asked to make coffee or plan the office parties. Other times, it’s a woman being labeled as “bossy” instead of “ambitious.” Sexism can also present itself when a man uses pet names for women, like “sweetheart” or “honey.” There are many ways women can handle these situations, from pointing it out to teaming together.
Continue readingCareer Advice for Young Women Entering the Workforce
Starting a new career can be an exciting and scary endeavor. You may or may not feel like you are ready. Sometimes, you’ll feel pressure to do everything perfectly. Other times, you may feel like a failure for not being perfect (whatever “perfect” means to you).
Continue readingOffice 365 products are rebranding as Microsoft 365
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Continue readingA man’s perspective on gender inequality in tech
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I look around the office and see an ocean of males. I see one woman in the office. She is our bookkeeper. As a web development company, we currently have zero software developers that are women. This was a shocking finding; yet not so shocking simultaneously. We’ve had female software developers in the past, but, as of now, none are in sight. I knew that female software developers were few and far between but hadn’t paid attention to what was right in front of me. I’ve worked in tech for 8+ years and very few of the many software developers that I have worked with have been female.
3 Women Who Have Crushed the Glass Ceiling
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Everyone has heard of the glass ceiling, but what exactly is it? The glass ceiling is an artificial barrier that prevents both women and minorities from being promoted to an executive or managerial level despite their accomplishments and achievements. The term has been used to describe the difficulties that women have been facing when trying to move up to higher roles in a company.Continue reading
My Five Career Tips for Young Women Who Want to be Leaders
I’ve seen a lot of women succeed in the employment marketplace. I’ve always been one to take notes at others’ success so that I could apply it to my own goals and ambitions, and from my observations of such heroines of business I have arrived at a few pointers:
The Rising Importance of Scheduling Software
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An old saying “it is hard work that pays off” is relevant to some extent, but if you want to succeed my friend, play it smart!Continue reading
Women at Zazmic: Three Career Journeys to Jobs in IT
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While women have been instrumental in technological progress, the tech industry is still male-dominated. However, that does seem to be changing with time. Over the years, we have seen an increase in the number of women applying for STEM programs at university. It is also no secret that more and more women choose a career in the tech industry these days. Women hold various positions: developers, marketers, testers, HR, designers, etc.Continue reading